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How much of each stock can I buy?

Solution You can invest up to 25% of your portfolio in a stock at one time. For instance, if you have $200,000 in your account you may purchase up to $50,000 of any one stock. If you already own $30,000 worth of a particular stock, you will be allowed to purchase up to $20,000 worth of additional stock as long as your total portfolio value is equal to $200,000.

If your portfolio value drops to below $200,000 and you own $50,000 worth of a particular stock you will be allowed to keep what you have but will not be allowed to purchase any more of that particular stock. You may still invest as much of your $200,000 as you like in stocks, provided that no one stock represents more than 25% of your total portfolio value.
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Article details
Article ID: 11
Category: Questions about Your Portfolio
Date added: 2010-03-03 05:29:45
Views: 890
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (10)

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