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Why can't I get a price for a certain stock when I check a quote?

Solution The stock has likely dropped out of the data feed we get from the exchanges. This could happen because the company merged, went bankrupt or for some other reason is not being traded or listed. To make sure that a stock has dropped out, try checking its price in the trading area. If the computer can not find your stock using its symbol, it has dropped out. Note that stocks with a value of $0.00 usually reflect their real price after some time. So if a stock suddenly plummets to zero, check back later and it will likely reflect the correct value.
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Article details
Article ID: 32
Category: Questions about Buying & Selling
Date added: 2010-03-03 05:40:32
Views: 1972
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (66)

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